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3x01 'Night'

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 5:25 pm
by Dee
3x01 'Night'

Well, my friends, I am simply stunned by this episode. What an amazing season opener. It has yanked me straight back into this world within a few minutes. Just how I wanted it, the story picked up exactly where it was cut off at the end of the last season.

Everything as it has always been. Amazing cinematography, score, acting... and some great payoffs right at the beginning of the season.

I loved the slow motion photography, depicting how both June and Serena are beyond their grip of what's real and what isn't, control slipping in and out of their hands, both trying so hard to hold themselves together and finding still somewhat unexpected comfort in each other. But we have been watching these two women build an unlikely bond last season. Both actresses were just phenomenal in the episode.

Serena's rebirth as a badass revolutionary was something astounding. Her facial expressions in that mirror were breathtaking.

The pain and sacrifice from both women is heartbreaking. Of course Serena was instrumental in creating this world, and brought a lot of this onto herself, yet her suffering is so immense that it's impossible not to feel for her.

June continues getting pushed into one impossible situation after the other. She cannot win no matter how hard she tries. Yet, she finally has had some good news. A crucial battle won, even if the war just keeps stretching out in time and space for her.

Some strange happenings, and Nick is suddenly being a bit of an asshole... How did the guardians know that June was in the McKenzie's house? What was June punished for at the end? Do they believe she set the place on fire? It was all somewhat confusing, I'm going to have to rewatch. But beyond the slightly iffy plot twists, the performances from the two leading actresses were mesmerising, and visually it was such a feast, that I forgive any shortcomings. I've cried, I laughed, I gasped and I sighed with relief.

It's very tempting to binge watch the next two episodes, but I've decided to savour it. Digest it a little, and most likely rewatch this opening episode.

Re: 3x01 'Night'

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 7:48 am
by Lori
Crying during the recap of the last season...

Re: 3x01 'Night'

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 8:54 am
by Lori
Amazing season opener! Dee, I've not read your above comments but will do so. This was such a saturated episode, I don't know where to begin and end. They maintain the quality in every facet of this series.

Again, watching the recap made me cry. The overlay of courage and sacrifice is nearly knee-buckling. June's strength is on display in every scene, beginning with letting her beautiful little baby, Nicole, go with hopes that she will land, alongside her dear and tortured friend, Emily, in a much better place. Relief made me weep again with the walk of triumph through the hospital entry where they were greeted with freedom's smile. Then, the ending where Luke is given Nicole. What better arms to have this precious babe rest in and guide her through life and perhaps her mother's memory? I'm believing he has been honed by the loss and is strong enough to be who he needs to be for the wee one. I don't really place blame, with exception of the frog-in-a-pot acceptance of the change happening around him whilst all signs of individuality and freedom were stripped from June early on. Hard, hard lesson learned. He lost it all.

Serena is still fascinating to me, yet remains a wildcard with her conditioned and skewed responses. I never know quite where that fractured mind is headed. The strange bedfellows June and Serena make together is so intriguing to observe. I feel they will be leaders in the end of the uprising.

The burning bed, burning house, and burning desire of one big warrior in red is both satiating and heartbreaking with so much sacrifice raining, raining, raining down. The image of June's mother steeped in uprising was present for me when June walked away from Nicole, apologizing because she "had work to do".

Elizabeth Moss? Good god. Her face when she was told Nicole was safe... Just. Wow.

Now reading the above and watching one more episode today!

Re: 3x01 'Night'

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 9:05 am
by Lori
Dee wrote:
Wed Jun 05, 2019 5:25 pm
3x01 'Night'

Some strange happenings, and Nick is suddenly being a bit of an asshole... How did the guardians know that June was in the McKenzie's house? What was June punished for at the end? Do they believe she set the place on fire? It was all somewhat confusing, I'm going to have to rewatch. But beyond the slightly iffy plot twists, the performances from the two leading actresses were mesmerising, and visually it was such a feast, that I forgive any shortcomings. I've cried, I laughed, I gasped and I sighed with relief.

It's very tempting to binge watch the next two episodes, but I've decided to savour it. Digest it a little, and most likely rewatch this opening episode.
I think Nick would prefer that June & Nicole be safe...together. As Nicole's father and loving June, I give him a bit of a pass on wishing June was not opting to be the resistance leader. How can he protect her from that, after all? He knows this means either letting her go or continuing to risk his and other's lives to save her. Additionally, he is in effect being asked to step up and sacrifice all for the cause. He may not be to the level where June is emotionally or have the strength to lead. Saving his daughter and the woman he loves is one thing; continuing in that role for others at an escalated and dangerous level is a whole different commitment. Yet, he has obviously dabbled in that world before. We shall see...

I'm with you on the nebulous indicators of what they know about June and what exactly she is being punished for. If they believed her responsible for it all, they would hang her on the wall. I feel it a bit of a plot hole that they didn't at least try to hang her for attempting to kidnap her child or what she'd done in previous seasons. Women have been hung for far less. She has some sympathy from the McKenzie wife, obviously, but they could not cover up her actions and protect her. I doubt they have the authority to do that.

Oh, PIC! This is absolutely heartbreaking and mesmerizing. I agree the two actresses are an amalgamate of skill and heart. What a pair! Onward with one more episode for me!

Re: 3x01 'Night'

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:29 pm
by Dee
Good points about Nick, Lori. Ok, I'll give him a pass this time. It must be utterly frustrating to have June back, when he believed her to be safely out of Gilead, with their little one.
And you're right, more and more is required of him. Well, he will just need to step up, won't he? What other choice has he left?

And yes, June is following in her mother's footsteps, like she never thought she would...

It's crazy how emotional this show makes us, isn't it? I also cried when Luke stared at the picture of Hannah and his voice broke as he was repeating "she's so big"... Can you imagine... ? Missing four years of your little daughter's life? :03:

I'm going to watch the next episode tomorrow.
Looking forward to your reflections, Pic.